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Need to collectively think about impact of blended learning and internet reading: IAS Sanjay Kumar

New Delhi: Sanjay Kumar, Secretary, Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Education, Government of India, on Sunday said that Internet connectivity offers us a great opportunity, and with data usage, we are moving from paper-based books to a digital world. 

Kumar also talked about setting up digital libraries in the country which would ensure easy access to content.  He was addressing the ‘CEO Speak (A Forum For Publishing) – Over Chairman’s Breakfast’ organized jointly by FICCI and the National Book Trust (NBT).

Yuvraj Malik, Director, National Book Trust, India, Ministry of Education, Govt of India, mentioned that the august gathering is the ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam' (One Earth, One Family) of the publishing ecosystem across languages. 

France is the Guest of Honour Country for the New Delhi World Book Fair 2023. Highlighting the opportunities for Indo-French cooperation in book trade, Vincent Montagne, Chair, Syndicat National de l'Edition, French Publishers Association, said that translation is the key to the collaboration between the two nations.

Neeraj Jain, Chair, FICCI Publishing Committee, and Managing Director, Scholastic India talked about the Indian publishing sector and highlighted the opportunities that G20 countries could leverage through various collaborative models like rights trading, translation, adaptation and co-publishing.

A panel discussion was conducted on the theme, ‘Opportunities in Book Trade among G20 Countries’ which was moderated by Ratnesh Jha, former Chair, FICCI Publishing Committee and CEO – Asia Pacific, Burlington Group of Companies.  /BI/