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GAIL creates value through Hriday

New Delhi: GAIL India, country’s leading natural gas company, remains committed to the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which it strongly believes plays a defining role in the development of the country. The company’s vision of ‘value creation’ for all stakeholders remains the guiding force behind the social interventions. A top-to-bottom, robust governance structure with a dedicated team of CSR professionals, helps in evaluating and selecting meaningful social programmes which are in alignment with the areas of intervention specified under the Companies Act 2013.

Following a project-based approach towards all CSR interventions, GAIL has implemented CSR programmes primarily in rural areas which are in close proximity to the major work centres or installations of the company. GAIL has identified seven broad areas of CSR intervention, each of which is titled by the objective they seek to achieve -- Arogya (Wellness) - Nutrition, Health and Sanitation and Drinking Water projects, Ujjwal (Towards a Bright future) – Education initiatives, Kaushal (Skill) - Livelihood Generation and Skill development initiatives, Unnati (Progress) - Rural Development, Sashakt (Empowerment) - Women Empowerment initiatives, Saksham (Capable) - Care of the elderly and differently abled, and Harit (Green) - Environment centric initiatives.

GAIL India has diversified interests across the natural gas value chain of trading, transmission, LPG production and transmission, LNG regasification, petrochemicals, city gas, E&P, etc. It owns and operates a network of around 13,340 km of natural gas pipelines spread across the length and breadth of the country. It is also working concurrently on execution of multiple pipeline projects to further enhance the spread. GAIL commands almost 70 per cent market share in gas transmission and has a Gas trading share of over 50 per cent in India. GAIL and its subsidiaries and JVs also have a formidable market share in city gas distribution. In the liquefied natural gas (LNG) market, GAIL has a significantly large portfolio. GAIL is also expanding its presence in renewable energy like solar, wind and biofuel!