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Huge feat: Many states show interest in Bihar’s model for SPM installation

Patna: Bihar is setting new milestones in Smart Prepaid Meter (SPM) installation without any protest from the consumers. The level of acceptance among people has been high. The credit goes to Sanjeev Hans, CMD, Bihar State Power Holding Company Limited (BSPHCL), who has been seamlessly driving the whole operation dexterously and diligently, strategically rolling out the installation plan and devising communication strategy required for it. As per the latest figures, the two DISCOMs—North Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited (NBPDCL) and South Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited (SBPDCL)— have installed more than 8.5 lakh SPMs. 

On June 17 Hans made a presentation on Bihar’s success story at the National Workshop on the Future of Smart Metering India, organised by Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab, REC Limited and UChicago EPIC India in New Delhi. 

Sources said many states of the country evinced interest in understanding the success model for Smart Prepaid Meter installation in Bihar. The rollout scheme has worked well in Bihar. 

Bihar in the first phase is installing the SPMs in urban area, while in the second phase it is rolling out in rural pockets.

Plagued by the problem of wrong meter reading, reluctance of people to pay electricity bills regularly, falling revenues of two DISCOMs, Bihar in 2021 charted on the course of SMP installation under the leadership of Chief Minister Nitish Kumar. Bihar has 169.4 lakh power consumers. 

“Recently to take forward the SPM installation in rural areas, BSPHCL entered into an agreement with Secure Meters Limited for supply of 26 lakh meters to be fixed in five north Bihar districts, including Muzaffarpur, East Champaran, West Champaran, Sitamarhi and Sheohar,” said the CMD. 

He said while in districts falling under NBPDCL 3,48,528 SPMs have been installed, in areas under SBPDCL 4,70,679 SPMs have been fixed. 

For the messaging, BSPHCL is using social media platforms to spread message of advantages of Smart Prepaid Meters as well as bust myths associated with. It is going whole hog by reaching out to people through consumer outreach programmes. “We hold webinars by roping in our engineers to bust myths associated with SPMs. This is working well. We have even created two characters on social media -- Bijli Didi and Voltage Bhaiya -- who in local dialect connect with people to narrate advantages of Smart Prepaid Meter,” he said.