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Making a positive impact in people’s lives is a challenging opportunity: Sundargarh DM Nikhil Pavan Kalyan

The bureaucracy of India has undergone a sea change over the years. Thanks to the efforts and vision of bureaucrats, the pace of good governance has picked up momentum. Improving the ease of living for people has become an integral part of good governance, says Sundargarh, Odisha, Collector and District Magistrate (DM) Nikhil Pavan Kalyan while talking to Rajeev R of Bureaucrats India. “Good governance is all about helping the people in more ways than one,” adds Mr Kalyan, an IAS officer of 2012 batch who, before joining Civil Services, worked with Adobe India in Noida, Microsoft and TCS at Hyderabad as well. Read His Full Interview Here:

Making a positive difference in people’s life! Is it a challenge or an opportunity for bureaucracy?

People are the most important stakeholder for bureaucracy, which revolves around the idea of their well-being, creating an ecosystem where people have the sense of safety, security and prosperity. This is what we also understand as making a positive difference in people’s lives. As I said earlier, making the people feel better through positive interventions is a mix of challenge and opportunity as well for bureaucracy.

How has been your personal experience since you joined Indian Administrative Services in 2012?

It has been quite satisfactory so far. Let me be very honest here. I try to do a lot more and I have been able to a lot for the people’s welfare. I have been able to meet their expectations. Since 2012, I have held many positions where I tried to serve the people in the best possible manner. I have a lot of energy to do more for them and I am sure more and more opportunities will come to join hands with them in mitigating their woes.

As the Collector and DM of Sundargarh, you are doing remarkable work in the area of water harvesting? What was the trigger point?

Environment is quite important. Projects are being taken up at different levels. I tried to understand the water of level, water ecosystem. I thought of how to ensure proper utilization of water without exploiting water resources. I thought of catching the water where it falls and ensuring that it goes into the ground. It has to be done on a large scale and ten times faster. Non-exploitative water harvesting system is very important. We have adopted a model for water harvesting which is economical. Five hundred units are being installed every month. The project is continuing. We are very happy with its progress.              

How has been the people’s response and that of other stakeholders? Can we say that people are really getting serious about issues like water harvesting which are so necessary for our sustainable development?

People have always backed the idea. Once we convince them, they appreciate the move. They are making water harvesting structures. I am happy to inform them that their concern for water harvesting is quite explicit. They feel that they are suffering a lot due to depleting water level. Their health is being compromised. It is a must for all of us to come together to harvest water and stop its wastage as well.              

The water level is going down across the country. Don’t you think we need to go for a mass movement to harvest water?

Yes. In fact, harvesting of water should be done on a mandatory basis. We cannot afford to be complacent at all. We need to understand the magnitude of challenges emerging out of water shortage in the country. Without wasting even a moment, we should take up water harvesting projects on a large scale.

How do you look at the evolution of Indian Civil Services over the years?

It has got a place of pride. We should celebrate the hard work of bureaucrats. Indian bureaucracy has come a long way. We are doing a grat job. We are able to do the best against all odds. Our bureaucrats have done a fantastic job against Covid-19 challenges. The entire country has come together in the fight against Covid-19. There is a lot of camaraderie among us.      

Do you think the gap between people and bureaucracy has bridged over the years?

There is a remarkable improvement. Civil servants can do a lot to make positive change in people’s lives. We rank quite well. People have confidence in us. There may be all kinds of impressions about us but the fact remains that Indian bureaucracy is serving the people in the best possible manner.     

How do you look at the role of social media platforms in furthering the cause of good governance?

The use of social media is good. Feedback is good. The information which travels through social media platforms may not always be correct, but still there is a role for social media in reaching out to the people. We have to engage with the people through social media platforms. Message goes very fast, Message travels very fast. Gap should be filled up.vv