New Delhi: India has launched the Bharat Climate Forum, a national platform aimed at unifying stakeholders from policy, industry, finance, and research to accelerate clean technology manufacturing. The initiative aligns with the Indian government's Atmanirbhar Bharat campaign, which emphasises economic sovereignty and technological leadership through innovation and collaboration.
Speaking at the launch event, Union Minister for Information and Technology Ashwini Vaishnaw highlighted the importance of public-private partnerships in fostering world-class, competitive solutions. He pointed to the success of India’s 4G-5G telecom stack as an example of innovation that the clean tech sector could replicate.
Union Minister for Commerce and Industry Piyush Goyal underscored India’s strong performance under the Paris Agreement, stating that the country is ahead of schedule in achieving its renewable energy goals. He emphasised the need for investment in the manufacturing sector to further these efforts and stressed the importance of scale and skill in driving India’s success.
NK Singh, chairman of the 15th Finance Commission, proposed the creation of a national environment council under the Prime Minister to ensure a uniform and focused approach to addressing climate challenges. He noted the growing global uncertainties and the role of institutions like the WTO in handling trade-related climate issues such as the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM).
Ashwani Mahajan, National Co-Convener of the Swadeshi Jagran Manch and Member-Secretary of the Bharat Climate Forum, highlighted the urgency of achieving self-reliance in climate technology. He remarked that this move would reduce dependence on imports, secure supply chains, and position India as a global hub for clean tech manufacturing.
The Bharat Climate Forum 2025 aims to catalyse India’s efforts towards self-reliance in clean tech, fostering innovation and partnerships to align the country’s net-zero ambitions with sustainable development and inclusive growth. Organisers, including the Council for International Economic Understanding and Dalberg Advisors, believe that this platform will drive investments and innovation in the sector, positioning India as a global leader in clean technology.
BI Bureau