Raipur: A technocrat from IIT-Kharagpur, Prashant Agarwal joined Civil Services with the spirit to serve people. A 2008-batch IPS officer of Chhattisgarh cadre, Agarwal as SSP Raipur has launched ‘Pink Gasht’ initiative to ensure safety of women and help them in distress.
Talking exclusively to Dr Navneet Anand, Editor-In-Chief, Bureaucrats India and Associate Editor Naina Jha, Agarwal said: “Our aim is to create a safe environment for women where they can move in the city without any fear. We also aim to equip them with basic safety skills and tools. With safety, we also want to ensure that women do not fall prey to fraudulent acts or emotional blackmailing or cyber bullying. This initiative will not only benefit women but also differently abled people as they are educated on how to give information in sign language.”
‘Pink Gasht’ includes all women officers. Policewomen patrol in the city on their pink scooters wearing pink helmets. Any woman or girl facing problems can reach out to the team on 9479190167. Read the Full Interview:
What was the inspiration behind this very novel initiative called Pink Gasht?
Apart from traditional crimes against women, there has been an increase in use of social media, cyber bullying and calling names on such platforms. Girls do feel uncomfortable with these and sometimes slip into distress. At the same time, they fear sharing such instances with their family, and approaching the police due to various reasons. Issues of stalking and making comments on working women also appear from time to time. I feel a city or a state or a country can’t progress until its women feel safe.
‘Pink Gasht’ is to create a safe environment for women. Our objective is to make girls and women more confident with regard to their safety, make them feel safe and secure, and at the same time encourage them to contact police easily, by just making a call or sending a WhatsApp message to our dedicated helpline WhatsApp number 9479190167 handled by our ‘Raksha Team.’ They will be advised, counselled and legal support would be provided in a way they can feel comfortable with.
What were the key components of this special campaign?
A few components are – time bound intensive awareness campaign of three days every month; involving all police women in this campaign; a dedicated team of 18 members for all days of month; a dedicated WhatsApp helpline number with all policewomen team; resolving complaints through informal way in cases where girls do not want to lodge formal complaint, and provide assistance in cases they want to lodge formal complaints; visits to hostels, colleges, housing societies, public places, and interaction of teams with girls and women of Raipur city during the awareness campaign.
What was the kind of training that was imparted to 152 women police personnel who were part of this special drive?
Policewomen were trained for one day before the launch of the campaign. They were briefed about basic crime prevention measures and safety tips, precautions while handling social media accounts, laws related to crimes against women, WhatsApp helpline number and how to handle complaints. As many as 15 teams of women police officers were formed for the awareness campaign. Each team was led by a woman Inspector or SI and 10-12 women police personnel of different ranks. Teams were supervised by women gazetted officers.
How many people your teams were able to reach out to during the three-day campaign from November 25 to November 27?
Teams were able to reach out to approximately 40,000 girls and women physically and approximately 60,000 more through social media. Twelve social institutions like child care homes, old age homes, deaf-mute school etc, 18 schools, 12 colleges, shopping malls, markets, and hang-out places were covered. Lots of content was pushed through social media handles as well.
Two weeks later, what has been the impact, according to you, of this campaign?
Pink Gasht WhatsApp helpline number – 9479190167 – has been publicized widely. In two weeks, 160 calls and messages were received. We are proud to inform you that our teams solved all their problems effectively, and in most cases informally, as per the convenience of complainants. Some cases just required strict warning to non-complainant, and a sense of support to complainants. ‘Pink Gasht’ has led to enhanced sense of confidence among girls and women with regard to their safety. This initiative has also led to a sense of pride in our lady constables as well.
You had sought people’s participation as well for the campaign. How has been the response so far?
In this initiative we have visited many hostels, public and private institutions, public places to reach out to women to make them aware of crime prevention measures and how to approach police in case of need. In the process many institutes have come forward to support us and spread the message. Many NGOs have also approached us to engage them in any possible way in this initiative. Girls were very happy and excited to find policewomen among them. They did ask a lot of questions and clarified their doubts. Response has been very encouraging so far.
How do you wish to reinforce the learning and the essential message of the campaign in days and months ahead?
‘Pink Gasht’ has acted as a confidence building measure among women of the city. Our teams would make every effort to resolve every problem that comes to them and maintain the trust bestowed upon them. We will try to reach out to every girl and woman living in the city in due course. We can add-on or broaden the scope of our initiative as and when required.