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India has emerged as a top destination for multinational corporations

New Delhi: India has emerged as a top destination for multinational corporations (MNCs) looking to diversify their supply chains and reduce their reliance on China, according to a global CEO survey. The survey has found that India is the most preferred choice for MNCs seeking an alternative to China, followed by Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe.

The survey, conducted by a leading global consulting firm, polled over 500 CEOs from around the world to gauge their views on the impact of the pandemic on global supply chains. The survey found that the pandemic has accelerated the trend of companies looking to diversify their supply chains, with many seeking to reduce their dependence on China.

The survey also found that the pandemic has led to a shift in the priorities of MNCs, with many now placing a greater emphasis on resilience and agility in their supply chains. This has led to a greater focus on digitalization, automation, and other technologies that can help companies better manage their supply chains and respond to disruptions. /BI/