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Capacity building programme for Arunachal bureaucrats begins at NCGG, Mussoorie

New Delhi: The National Centre for Good Governance (NCGG) Mussoorie commenced the Capacity Building Programme (CBP) for civil servants of Arunachal Pradesh on November 20. The program is scheduled to run for two weeks.

The programme is being organised with a view to improving the governance and public service delivery in North-East and border states, as per the directives of the Centre.

Earlier, an MoU was signed with NCGG in 2022 to train 500 officers of Arunachal Pradesh over the next five years. As part of the agreement, NCGG has already imparted training to 113 officers, including the 30 participants of the ongoing 4th Capacity Building Programme.

The two-week capacity building programme has been scientifically tailored by the NCGG team and this includes the exchange of vast information, knowledge, new ideas and best practices that promote citizen-centric governance.

The sessions for each training programme were made by the NCGG faculty based on the need of the state and in consultation with Government of Arunachal Pradesh. This capacity-building programme will help the civil servants in putting up efforts to fill in the gaps between policies and implementation in their respective work places.

The Inaugural session was presided over by Shri V Srinivas, Director General, NCGG. He requested the participating officers to make full use of the exposure that they will have during the programme. He urged them to share knowledge and work in groups as effective team building is essential to foster good ideas which can be utilized to improve the quality of life of citizens.

He appreciated the efforts in Arunachal Pradesh in implementation of government programmes. In his address he highlighted the importance of redressing citizen grievances in a time-bound manner and also effective handlings of court related work as these are mechanisms of ensuring justice to people.

In his welcome address, Dr BS Bisht, Course Coordinator of the programme said that in the fourth capacity building programme, NCGG will share various initiatives taken in the country for good governance.

The participants will also be exposed to visits aimed at observing a diverse range of developmental projects and institutions. These visits offer invaluable insights and first-hand experiences of prominent initiatives and organizations, including Parliament, AIIMS, Paryavaran Bhawan, Pradhanmantri Sanghralaya, among others.

The overall supervision and coordination of the programme would be carried out by Dr Bisht, along with Dr Sanjeev Sharma, co-course coordinator, and the capacity building team of the NCGG.