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A Homage: The PM whose vision laid the path to India’s progress

Dr Navneet Anand, Editor-in-Chief, writes of his meeting with Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee & Good Governance

Jaisalmer: Today, as we commemorate the birth anniversary of the esteemed Bharat Ratna and former Prime Minister of India, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji, we pay homage to a visionary leader whose legacy continues to inspire generations. 

I have had the great honour of personally meeting him, along with my wife Jyotsna Sahay Anand. His warmth, wit and affection left a lasting impression on us. We shall forever cherish that evening with spent with Shri Vajpayee Ji watching a documentary that he was reviewing on the highways project in India. His eyes lit with pride as we discussed how highways laid the backbone of a nation’s growth.

Shri Vajpayee Ji was a stalwart known for his unwavering commitment to good governance, a cornerstone of his leadership philosophy. He envisioned a nation guided by principles of inclusivity, transparency, and effective governance. His tenure witnessed several remarkable achievements that reshaped India's landscape. Under his leadership, India successfully conducted nuclear tests in 1998, marking a significant milestone in the country's defense capabilities.

Shri Vajpayee Ji's government implemented various economic reforms that contributed to India's progress, including infrastructure development, boosting connectivity through the Golden Quadrilateral project, and advancing telecommunications. His vision for a prosperous and self-reliant India drove initiatives like the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) aimed at improving rural connectivity. 

As I write this I am headed to India-Pakistan Border and Longewala War Memorial, and the impeccable roads that we are driving on through the villages in Jaisalmer districts are a strong reminder of the path he laid for us - a brighter, faster, progressive India.

Shri Vajpayee Ji emphasized the importance of peace and stability in the region, initiating dialogue processes with neighboring countries. His efforts culminated in landmark initiatives such as the Lahore Declaration and the Delhi-Lahore Bus Service, fostering peaceful relations amidst geopolitical challenges.

December 25th is observed as Good Governance Day to honor Shri Vajpayee Ji’s commitment to efficient and ethical governance. His dedication to enhancing administrative effectiveness and empowering citizens stands as a beacon for leaders worldwide. This day serves as a reminder of his enduring legacy, encouraging us to uphold the values of good governance, transparency, and accountability in all spheres of public service.

Shri Vajpayee Ji’s governance epitomized integrity and efficiency, focusing on citizen-centric policies. His emphasis on economic reforms, notably the disinvestment program and fiscal discipline, laid the groundwork for India's economic growth. His administration's policies bridged rural-urban divides, empowering marginalized communities through initiatives like Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and National Rural Health Mission.

We credit it to Hon PM Shri Narendra Modi Ji for his visionary thinking of celebrating Shri Vajypayee Ji’s birthday as Good Governance Day. Since 2014, the Day honours Shri Vajpayee Ji’s legacy by advocating for responsive governance. It urges public servants to emulate his principles, fostering an environment of transparency and responsiveness in public service. Shri Vajpayee Ji’s visionary leadership continues to inspire a new era of accountable governance in India.

As we celebrate Good Governance Day, let us reflect on Shri Vajpayee Ji’s remarkable contributions, and strive to emulate his vision of a progressive and inclusive India.

His following lines forever inspire me:

गीत नया गाता हूँ

टूटे हुए तारों से फूटे बासंती स्वर
पत्थर की छाती मे उग आया नव अंकुर
झरे सब पीले पात
कोयल की कुहुक रात

प्राची मे अरुणिम की रेख देख पता हूँ
गीत नया गाता हूँ

टूटे हुए सपनों की कौन सुने सिसकी
अन्तर की चीर व्यथा पलको पर ठिठकी
हार नहीं मानूँगा,
रार नई ठानूँगा,

काल के कपाल पे लिखता मिटाता हूँ
गीत नया गाता हूँ