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Osmanabad Sanitation Warriors | National Panchayati Raj Day Exclusive

On National Panchayati Raj Day, I am honored to reflect on my work with the Third Gender which enabled them to find their voice and put them on the governance stakeholder map. Grassroots democracy is the heartbeat of a thriving society. When communities have a voice in decision-making, real change happens from the ground up.

Reflecting on a transformative journey during my tenure as CEO of Zilla Parishad, I'm compelled to share the story of how the Third Gender emerged as sanitation warriors, pioneering a movement that was truly ahead of its time.

It was a concept that was one of its kind. The Third Gender community embraced the paid role of sanitation warriors, breaking stereotypes and leading the charge in promoting cleanliness and hygiene in our communities.

However, this journey wasn't without its challenges. We faced initial resistance, and I, too, encountered skepticism and uncertainty about this unconventional approach. The perception about the Third Gender community was clouded, and integrating them into mainstream society was not a priority for many.

Amidst these challenges, the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act emerged as our guiding light. This legislation empowers grassroots democracy and local government, providing a framework for inclusive governance.

Leveraging the provisions of this amendment, we embarked on a mission to forge a more inclusive Zilla Parishad and, by extension, a more inclusive society. We ensured that the voices of the Third Gender were not only heard but also valued in decision-making processes.


Looking back, this endeavor remains the most cherished work of my career thus far. Witnessing the empowerment of the Third Gender community, seeing them embrace their roles as sanitation warriors with pride, and contributing to a more inclusive society has been incredibly fulfilling.

The journey of integrating the Third Gender into mainstream society as sanitation warriors was not just a professional endeavor; it was a testament to the power of grassroots democracy and the importance of inclusivity in governance. It's a journey I'm proud to have been a part of, and one that continues to inspire me as we strive for a more equitable and inclusive future.

*The author currently serving as Director, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy