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Over a lakh people take road safety as their New Year resolution thanks to ‘Suno Raipur’ campaign

Raipur: Suno Raipur, a week-long road safety and traffic awareness initiative of Raipur Police during which over one lakh people of the city took road safety as their New Year resolution by signing Sadak Suraksha Samkalp Patra, has got national and global recognition. Asia Book of Records and India Book of Records have recognised ‘Suno Raipur’ as a record of maximum number of people signing a pledge on road safety. The campaign, which began on December 26, concluded on January 1, 2022.

“Death in any road accident or permanent disability of any person in an accident is very tragic for the family. Approximately 1.5 lakh persons die in road accidents every year in India. In Raipur district alone, approximately 450 persons die every year. Main reasons behind these deaths are driving rashly, not putting seatbelts and not wearing helmets,” said Raipur SSP Prashant Agrawal, the main behind ‘Suno Raipur’ campaign.

He feels that some persons drive even after consuming alcohol and put themselves and others lives at risk. Many can be seen driving while using their cell phones. Following basic road safety rules can reduce accidental deaths. Other than this, a need was felt to improve traffic sense of people in urban area. Some could be seen driving on wrong side, block free left turn or park their vehicle on roads causing inconvenience to other road users, added Agrawal.

To sensitize people with regard to road safety and traffic rules, the Raipur Police with the help of active volunteers, launched a one week awareness campaign named ‘Suno Raipur.’ In this campaign, several children had come forward to support the Raipur Police by giving messages to their elders to follow safety rules. Children of Divyang Mahavidyalaya, Mana, had also given a very sensible and emotive video message to support the campaign.

‘Suno Raipur’ was launched by SSP Prashant Agrawal on December 26 evening with an awareness program at Magneto Mall, Raipur. He appealed to the citizens of Raipur to follow road safety rules while driving and not to put their lives and others at risk by driving rashly or negligently or bypassing basic safety rules. He requested the people to think about their family and friends while attempting any kind of bike stunts or speed driving. “There should be no requirement of keeping a traffic policeman at crossroads just to make sure people follow traffic signals,” he said.

During the week-long campaign of Suno Raipur, teams of Raipur Police and 300 active volunteers sensitized people regarding traffic rules at various public places, market areas, main Chowks, schools, educational institutes and commercial areas. Pamphlets with interesting and educational messages, placards, handouts, video screens were also used. Social media platforms of the Raipur Police were also extensively used to create awareness among people during this awareness drive.

On the last day of Suno Raipur campaign – January 1, people were requested to take road safety as their New Year resolution for 2022 by signing ‘Sadak Suraksha Samkalp Patra’ provided by the Raipur Police. As many as 1,02,468 people of  Raipur took this resolution. Asia Book of Records and India Book of Records have recognised this effort of the people of Raipur as a new record of maximum number of people signing a pledge on road safety in a day.

This campaign was led by SSP Raipur Prashant Agrawal, AdSP Traffic M R Mandavi and DSP, Traffic, Satish Thakur. The campaign was supported by volunteers from several NGOs and associations like Raipur Auto Dealers Association, Young Indians, Surakshit Bhav Foundation, Sikh Care India, Abhaas Foundation, Awaaz Foundation, Sparsh Ek Koshish, Helping Hand Foundation, Maruti Suzuki Driving School, Pranjal Seva Samiti, Kopal Vani, Mission Sambhav, Vakta Manch and Saubhagya Foundation. /BI/