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Deep inroads of counterfeit and smuggled goods into society impacting socio-economic prosperity: Odisha Industries Minister

New Delhi: The menace of counterfeit and smuggled goods has penetrated deep into our society and is impacting the socio-economic prosperity of the country, which needs to be addressed immediately, said Captain Dibya Shankar Mishra, Minister for Industries, MSME, Energy and Home, Odisha.

Addressing a webinar on ‘Combating Counterfeiting and Smuggling during the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond,’ organized by FICCI’s Committee Against Smuggling and Counterfeiting Activities Destroying the Economy (CASCADE), Capt Mishra said: “Strict enforcement plays a very important role in curbing the menace of illicit trade. I am proud to share that Odisha’s enforcement agencies have been vigilant in fighting these illegal activities.”

DP Dash, former Principal Director-General, DRI, and former Chairman, Enforcement Committee, World Customs Organization (WCO) and Think Tank Member, FICCI CASCADE, said: “Inculcating moral values amongst children to buy genuine goods with bills on payment of taxes is an intergenerational investment in the fight against illicit trade.” He further added that penal provisions under central and state laws should be invoked to make a real impact in the fight against illicit trade.

Anil Rajput, Chairman, FICCI CASCADE in his welcome address said, “Illicit products have infiltrated everyday avenues of commerce, making their way into supply chains and consumers’ homes, thereby threatening manufacturers’ competitiveness, undermining consumer confidence and posing a threat to individuals' health and safety.” “I must also compliment the Odisha government and the enforcement agencies for relentlessly pursuing the perpetrators of illicit trade,” he added.

“Counterfeiting and smuggling causes an economic loss to the nation which can be addressed at the grassroots level by educating the school children and MSMEs on the impact of illicit trade,” said Monica Nayyar Patnaik, Chairperson, FICCI Odisha State Council and MD, Sambad Group. The problem of illicit trade has only compounded in the current situation, where criminals have used the pandemic as an opportunity to cause significant damage to the Indian economy, health, and safety of the consumers. /BI/