
Swedish tech RSP expanding operations in India

New Delhi: Swedish tech giant Robot System Products (RSP) is setting its sights on India for an enhanced operational footprint, coupled with plans for a potential manufacturing hub.

RSP has opted to amplify its presence in India, marking a stark departure from its 2018 decision to shutter operations in China. This decision came despite China leading the world in industrial robot consumption with annual sales hitting an impressive 250,000 units. In stark contrast, India currently boasts a more modest figure of 5,500 annual industrial robot sales.

The company has recently established a subsidiary in India, with local partner Arvind Vasu, scion of the TTK Group in Chennai, holding a significant stake. While currently in the exploratory phase, Vasu indicates that RSP India is seriously considering the establishment of a manufacturing unit in the near future.

Eddie Eriksson, President of RSP, highlights that mounting concerns over climate change are prompting Western companies to decentralize manufacturing, aiming to reduce transportation-related carbon emissions. In this strategic move, RSP has selected India as its preferred destination for expanding operations.

"In the western world, we feel that China doesn’t feel as secure as it used to be," notes Eriksson, adding that "China is not low cost anymore."

Specializing in crafting components like grippers and cable management systems, RSP does not manufacture industrial robots itself. However, its products are designed to seamlessly integrate with robots from various brands, positioning RSP as a robot-brand-independent provider.

Despite India's comparatively smaller market size, RSP remains bullish on its prospects. Arvind Vasu underscores the potential by pointing out, "Robot density in India (number of robots divided by the number of employees) is 4; in most other countries, it is 30 and above." This observation underscores the significant growth opportunities RSP envisions in the Indian market.