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IREDA achieves historic annual performance in FY 2021-22

New Delhi: Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd (IREDA), the largest dedicated lender of renewable energy in India, ended FY 2021-22 with its best-ever performance till date. IREDA has achieved the highest-ever loan sanctions to the tune of around Rs 23921.06 crore and loan disbursements of around Rs 16070.82 crore. Pradip Kumar Das, Chairman and Managing Director (CMD), IREDA, said: “We have achieved major milestones in 2021-22 even though the year saw second and third waves of the Covid-19 pandemic along with the ongoing globally tense situations.”

“IREDA stands fully committed towards achieving Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘Panchamrita’ COP26 targets which include targeted utilisation of 50 per cent of the country’s energy requirements through RE sources by 2030 and raising the non-fossil fuel-based energy capacity of India to 500 GW by the same time. IREDA is fully equipped as an implementing agency for the additional allocation of Rs 19,500 crore for PLI scheme to the manufacturers of high-efficiency solar modules.”

Das reiterated that “IREDA promotes transparency, good-governance, and a proactive approach across and work. The success of a company is built on the efforts of its employees. It is time to mutually work with innovations, collaborations, and market dynamics to ensure business expansion, diversification, and sustainable growth. Our combined strength is what makes us successful. Let’s start the upcoming new-year with a focused, customised, and committed plan of action for serving our customers with a greater vision of clean and green energy.” /BI/