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Rs 644.35 cr spent by all companies in 112 districts under CSR

New Delhi: The corporate social responsibility (CSR) spending by all companies in India’s 112 most backward districts, also known as aspiration districts, during 2017-20 has been Rs 644.35 crore, the Lok Sabha was informed today in a written reply. As per the reply, in 2017-18 Rs 232.80 crore was spent by all companies under CSR in aspirational districts, Rs 307.51 crore in 2018-19 and Rs 104.04 crore in 2019-20 up to September 30, 2020.

Union Minister of State for Finance and Corporate Affairs Anurag Thakur informed the Lower House of Parliament that the government has made changes to the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Rules and the recent amendments in the Companies (CSR Policy) Rules, 2014 were notified on 22nd January 2021.

Giving more details, the minister said that all data related to CSR filed by companies in the MCA21 registry, including Aspirational District-wise is available in public domain and can be accessed at www.csr.gov.in. The minister further stated that these amendments aim at strengthening CSR ecosystem by improving and strengthening the disclosures, simplifying the compliances, bringing in more objectivity, transparency and entrusting more responsibility on the Board of the company.

The MCA had carried out wider stakeholder consultations and invited for public comments on the draft rules. A large number of comments were received on the draft rules from various stakeholders, viz., companies, NGOs, academic institutions, industry associations, professional institutes, professionals and public at large.

The highlights of these amendments, inter-alia, includes, mandatory registration of implementing agencies with the Ministry, enhancing the role of board of the company in the utilization of CSR funds, flexibility to board for spending as per project requirements, treatment of unspent as well as set-off of excess amount spent under CSR, impact assessment of CSR projects, creation and acquisition of capital assets through CSR and enhanced disclosure of CSR activities, etc.

 The Government has instituted National Corporate Social Responsibility Awards (NCSRA) as an official recognition at the highest level for outstanding contribution made by companies through their CSR activities. The categories of the award, inter-alia, includes CSR in Aspirational Districts or difficult terrains and for contribution in national priority areas including environment, sustainable development and solar energy. /BI/