New Delhi: On National Youth Day, marking Swami Vivekananda’s birth anniversary, Prime Minister Narendra Modi participated in the Viksit Bharat Young Leaders Dialogue 2025 at Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi. Organised by the Department of Youth Affairs, the Viksit Bharat Young Leaders Dialogue – National Youth Festival 2025 ran from 10-12 January 2025.
Addressing 3,000 dynamic young leaders, the Prime Minister highlighted the vibrant energy of India’s youth, which brought life and enthusiasm to Bharat Mandapam. He noted the nation’s tribute to Swami Vivekananda, who had immense faith in the youth, believing they would solve every problem with courage. The Prime Minister emphasized that Swami Vivekananda would be filled with confidence witnessing the awakened power and active efforts of the 21st-century youth.
Recalling the G-20 event hosted at the same venue, Modi contrasted how world leaders discussed global futures while India’s youth charted the next 25 years for the nation. He shared an anecdote where young athletes referred to him as “Param Mitra”, underscoring his bond of trust with the youth. This trust inspired the formation of MY Bharat and the Viksit Bharat Young Leaders Dialogue.
The Prime Minister expressed that the potential of India’s youth will make India a developed nation. He dispelled doubts about achieving this significant goal, citing global examples where ambitious dreams were realised through collective effort. Highlighting India’s recent achievements, he mentioned the country’s rapid progress in sanitation, banking services, and green energy. He stressed that collective citizen effort, not just government machinery, is crucial for national goals.
The Prime Minister commended the youth’s expansive thinking and real-world solutions, which will now guide national policies. He reiterated his commitment to engaging more young people in politics and emphasized the importance of daily targets and consistent efforts towards a developed India by 2047. He projected that India will soon become the world’s third-largest economy, lifting millions out of poverty and achieving ambitious renewable energy and infrastructure goals.
Highlighting the strides in education, Modi noted the rapid establishment of universities, ITIs, Atal Tinkering Labs, IITs, IIITs, IIMs, and AIIMS. He stressed that this educational growth forms a foundation for a developed India. The Prime Minister concluded by urging the youth to seize the opportunities presented by a growing economy, asserting their role in driving India’s transformation into a developed nation.
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