
Major General Rajiv Chhibber takes over as ADG of NCC Directorate

Chandigarh: Major General Rajiv Chhibber, SM, has taken over as the 9th ADG of NCC Directorate Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh. The General Officer has served in varied terrain and operational areas and holds multiple military and civil academic qualifications. In his 33 years of distinguished service, the officer has handled prestigious staff and command assignments, including a foreign tenure.

Important command appointments held by the General Officer include command of an Infantry Battalion and an Assam Rifles Sector, both in the active conflict environment of Jammu and Kashmir and North East. He was instrumental in controlling insurgency and trans-border trafficking in the strategic North Eastern state of Manipur for which he was commended with the award of Sena Medal.

A Kargil veteran, he has tenanted critical assignments at Division, Corps and Army HQ levels. He was also advisor to Commander, Botswana Defence Forces wherein he ensured training of the South African nation on Indian pattern, greatly negating the influence of other Asian countries, thus projecting positive image and prestige of the Indian Army.

 NCC Directorate PHHP&C comprises eight Group HQ located in the three progressive states of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and UT of Chandigarh to coordinate various NCC activities. The footprints of the Directorate cover 56 districts imparting training to almost 1.5 lakh cadets in 2000 colleges and schools. The training focuses on the overall development of youth and moulding them into future leaders in all spheres of life. /BI/