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HURL MD hails Bharat Ratna for agriculture doyens

New Delhi: I am immensely pleased to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Government of India for conferring the prestigious Bharat Ratna awards upon two doyens whose contributions towards Indian agriculture are towering and enduring. The Bharat Ratan to former Prime Minister Late Chaudhary Charan Singh Ji, often known as Kisan Kranti ke Praneta for his monumental contributions to Indian agriculture, is a fitting tribute to his legacy. Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji rightly recalled his “dedication to our farmer brothers and sisters.” 

The late Dr MS Swaminathan's exemplary work in the field of agriculture has been nothing short of transformative, ushering in an era of unprecedented growth and sustainability in Indian farming practices. Hailed as the 'Father of the Green Revolution,' Dr Swaminathan's pioneering research and advocacy have played a pivotal role in catapulting India from a nation dependent on food imports to one that boasts surplus food production -  transforming the nation from a ‘begging bowl’ to the ‘bread basket of the world’.

His visionary insights and commitment to agricultural innovation have not only bolstered food security but have also significantly improved the socio-economic conditions of millions of farmers across the country.

At HURL, we recognize and celebrate Chaudhary Charan Singh Ji’s and Dr Swaminathan's unparalleled contributions, which continue to serve as an inspiration for our endeavors. Their legacy serves as a guiding light as we strive to further our mission of enhancing agricultural productivity, promoting sustainable practices, and fostering the holistic welfare of farmers nationwide.

Shri Siba Prasad Mohanty, MD, Hindustan Urvarak & Rasayan Ltd (HURL)