Chennai: In a major administrative move, 56 police officers of the Tamil Nadu cadre have been transferred, with several also receiving promotions. The changes, announced in an order issued on Sunday, will take effect from 1 January 2025, reflecting a focus on reinforcing critical areas of law enforcement, including crime prevention and women and children’s safety.
One of the notable appointments is A Kayalvizhi, who has been promoted to Inspector General, Crime against Women and Children, Chennai. Kayalvizhi’s new position was created by downgrading the post of Director General of Police, emphasising the state’s commitment to addressing crimes against vulnerable groups.
Dr R Stalin, previously Deputy Commissioner of Police, Coimbatore North, has been reassigned as Superintendent of Police, Economic Offences Wing, South Zone, Chennai. In another key change, T Eswaran, formerly Superintendent of Police – III, Cyber Crime Division, Chennai, will now take on the role of Deputy Commissioner of Police, Tiruchy City South. Additionally, V Vinoth Santharam, who served as Superintendent of Police, North Zone, CB-CID, Chennai, has been elevated to Deputy Commissioner of Police, Tirunelveli City East.
Four officers currently on deputation outside Tamil Nadu and abroad have also been promoted. Among them, Nisha Parthiban, who has been serving as Superintendent of Police/Joint Deputy Director with the Intelligence Bureau in New Delhi, has been elevated to the rank of Deputy Inspector General of Police.
BI Bureau