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CMPDI organises 2-day workshop on leadership dvpt for senior mgmt

Ranchi: Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited (CMPDI) organised a two-day workshop on leadership development program ‘Udaan – A Senior Leadership Retreat’ for senior management on March 18-19, 2023 at its headquarter here.

Brigadier (Retd) Sushil Bhasin, Leadership Coach-cum- Corporate Trainer, explained about ways of developing and adopting strategic leadership, change management, innovation, personal development.

He also gave tips on how to be resilient and focussed when times are challenging. He said that one should focus on developing traits like discipline, risk-taking, problem-solving abilities to be a good leader. He conducted a lot of indoor and outdoor activities and games.

During the valedictory session, CMD Manoj Kumar said that creative solutions, leadership abilities gained during the workshop will benefit the organisation. He further said that GMs should use strengths and expertise of each other and must work in collaboration to achieve the organisational targets.

CMPDI is a fully owned subsidiary of Coal India Limited (CIL) and a Schedule-B company. It is a Mini Ratna (Category I) company since June 2019 and ISO 9001 certified since March 1998. It is also on its way to Iso 27001 certification for its information security management. /BI/