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IREDA registers historic annual performance in FY 2021-22

New Delhi: Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA) has reported historic all-time high annual Profit After Tax (PAT) of Rs 634 crore and Profit Before Tax (PBT) of Rs 834 crore in the FY 2021-22 in midst of second and third waves of Covid pandemic during the year, registering a massive growth of 82.88 per cent and 46.41 per cent, respectively over FY 2020-21.

The Board of Directors of IREDA approved the Audited Financial Results for Financial Year 2021-22 in a meeting held today while lauding the company’s outstanding performance under challenging conditions. The Loan Book of IREDA, a NBFC under MNRE, Government of India, has grown from Rs 27,854 crore as on 31st March 2021 to Rs 33,931 crore as on 31st March 2022, registering a growth of 21.82 per cent.

According to an official statement, the company registered the highest-ever loan sanction of Rs 23,921 crore, growth of 117.44 per cent to the previous year sanction of Rs 11,001 crore. The loan disbursement of Rs 16,071 crore is the highest in the company’s history and a record increase by 82 per cent from the previous year. The net-worth of the company as on 31st March 2022 has reached Rs 5,268 crores as against Rs 2,995 crore ending 31st March 2021, increase by 75.89 per cent, which includes equity infusion of Rs 1,500 crore on 28th March 2022 by the Government of India. /BI/