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NTPC gets CBIP Award-2022 for outstanding contribution in power generation

New Delhi: NTPC Limited has been honoured with the CBIP Award-2022 for ‘Outstanding Contribution in Power Generation,’ attributed to its Vindhyachal Super Thermal Power Station, the largest power station in the country for its efficiency and high level of generation.

The award presented by RK Singh, Union Minister of Power, New & RE, Government of India, was received by Ramesh Babu V, Director, Operations, and Praveen Saxena, Regional Executive Director (NR), Suvash Chandra Naik, Executive Director, Vindhyachal, was also present at the Scope Convention Centre, New Delhi, on the occasion of the CBIP Day.

NTPC stands committed to generating power responsibly and sustainably and occupies the premier position in the Indian energy sector in terms of size and efficiency. The CBIP Awards are conferred to institutions/individuals for their outstanding contributions to the development of water, power and Renewable Energy Sectors. /BI/