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POSOCO signs MoU with IMD for better electricity grid management

New Delhi: The national grid operator Power System Operation Corporation (POSOCO) has signed a memorandum of understanding with India Meteorological Department (IMD) where both the parties agreed that weather information provided by IMD will be used by the power system operators across the India for better management of Indian power system and for the purpose of analysis.

The MoU was signed by SR Narasimhan, Chairman and Managing Director (CMD), POSOCO and Dr Mrutyunjay Mohapatra, Director General (DG), IMD at NRLDC, POSOCO office. IMD will make available current weather information every hour or at lesser intervals. It will provide weather forecasts of temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, rainfall up to next 36 hours for the identified stations.

It will also provide the snowfall forecast of hilly States and also along the route of important transmission lines passing through hilly terrains. It will provide weather parameters forecast at Renewable Energy plant locations. POSOCO is a wholly owned Government of India Schedule ‘A’ enterprise under the Union Ministry of Power. It is responsible to ensure the integrated operation of the national electricity grid in a secure manner. /BI/