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India Post Payments Bank and RBIH collaborate for innovations in financial product and services

New Delhi: The India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) and the Reserve Bank Innovation Hub (RBIH) have come together to focus their efforts on enhancing the reach of financial solutions to large sections of society across India and enabling frictionless finance to a billion Indians.

Over the last thirty years, India has seen strong economic growth. In the last decade, the country has also witnessed rapid advancement and adoption of mobile technology at low data usage cost. However, there remain large sections of the population as well as micro and small businesses that have limited access to essential financial services and expertise.

Universal access to finance is one of the critical requirements for society’s inclusive development. To this end, IPPB and RBIH will plan, design and execute innovative products and offerings to bridge the existing gap by bringing digitalized services at the customer’s doorstep.

The collaboration between IPPB and RBIH will explore projects which shall have impact on the masses by leveraging the deep rural reach of IPPB-Department of Posts (DoP) to take Rural Finance to a billion Indian and enabling access to sustainable and secure finance services to every segment of the society, through research and innovation.

Rajesh Bansal, CEO, RBIH, said: “Customer centricity is at the heart of everything we do at RBIH. India’s strong digital stack offers us the unique opportunity to bring everyone into the country’s financial ambit. I am excited about the possibilities our collaboration with IPPB can open, and the impact we can create for the citizens of India, together!”

J Venkatramu, MD and CEO, IPPB, said, “Since its inception, IPPB has been committed towards promoting financial inclusion among low-income and under-banked segments at the last mile by leveraging the unparalleled network of Post Offices, and technology-driven banking solutions. The partnership with RBIH is a milestone in IPPB’s journey to leverage its digital platform and physical network for providing comprehensive, customer-centric, and convenient digital solutions to a billion Indians.” /BI/